Desktop Support
Pricing: £35 per PC per month Order Now
It includes:
- Unlimited Web based help desk (9:00AM to 5:00PM) and call backs
- Unlimited Phone based help desk support (9:00AM to 5:00PM)
- Unlimited remote systems administration
- On going maintenance
- Asset management / reporting
- Hardware profile
- Installed software and license numbers
- Asset change report
- Temporary file clean-up
- Disk de-fragmentation, Scandisk
- Microsoft updates / patch management
- Performance optimization
- Event log monitoring
- Windows error logs
- Disk and disk controller errors
- Application issues
- Printing issues
- Resource issues
- Virus management problems
- Asset management / reporting
- Security
- Anti-virus management
- Anti-virus scan and virus removal
- Virus definition management
- Logs review and exclusion management
- SpyWare / AdWareremoval
- Anti-virus management
- Reporting